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What are we all about?

Our world is awash in data -- data pooled in databases and web services, data streaming from sensors, even data bottled up in small devices. This data is the basis of life for modern commerce, science, utilites, and other large human endeavours.  It is also critical to any individual who lives in a world dependent on these institutions.

Telegraph is an adaptive dataflow system, which allows individuals and institutions to access, combine, analyze, and otherwise benefit from this data wherever it resides.  As a dataflow system, Telegraph can tap into pooled data stored on the network, and harness streams of live data coming out of networked sensors, software, and smart devices.  In order to operate robustly in this volatile, internetworked world, Telegraph is adaptive -- it uses new technologies such as rivers and eddies to route unpredictable and bursty dataflows through computing resources on a network, resulting in a steady, manageable stream of useful information.

The Telegraph team at UC Berkeley is researching and prototyping new adaptive dataflow, data storage, and data analysis schemes suited to our infocentric, internetworked, unpredictable world.  Like the Berkeley main street after which it is named, Telegraph is the natural thoroughfare for a volatile, eclectic mix coming from all over the world.