Sneak Peek |
Want to see what the demo looks like without installing the latest Sun
Java plug-in? Here are some screenshots to give you a flavor.
They're no substitute for interacting directly with the data, though! And they show queries in flight .... meaning that the final answers are yet to come.
Donors broken down by occupation: this window shows
the user browsing CEOs from Texas who gave to Bush, and CEOs from California
who gave to Gore.
Mapper demo: this window shows Gore and Bush donations
plotted on a map of the US. In the real demo, you can zoom in for
more detail.
Home prices: compare average home prices per state
for Bush and Gore donors.
Movie stars: see what names in the Yahoo movie
star list appear in the donor lists for Bush and Gore. Can you distinguish
the real stars and the name-alikes?
Crime rates and house prices: compare donations
to Bush and Gore based on neighborhood crime rates, and see house prices
in those neighborhoods.